S I M P L I F Y // The Clutter Series - Preparing For Your Winter Holiday

I once told my friend “I always go on vacation with a clean house because if i die in an accident I don’t want people to think I live in a pigsty!” I think it’s kind of like the adult version of your mom saying to always wear clean underwear in case you’re in an accident (which I never understood because if that happened, that would be the least of my worries…) . But it’s true, before I leave on any trip I always clean my house from top to bottom.

Why do I do this? Well, it’s not because I love adding a full days work to my to do list before heading out of town. It’s because I love how it feels walking into a clean home when you return. It’s refreshing, it’s calming, and it truly is the best welcome home present you can give yourself.

Aside from packing and double-checking your luggage, here are some helpful tips that you can use to get ready for a trip.

  1. Do all the laundry. I love leaving the laundry room clean and the baskets empty before I go. It makes it very easy to empty the suitcases and do any dirty laundry when you return. If you’re like me you hate laundry and it is super depressing to come back from a vacation and have piles of dirty clothes to clean. Another helpful tip is to do laundry on your trip. Sometimes this isn’t possible but if you’re at an Airbnb, Homeaway, condo or family’s home I encourage you to do it! Then you can unload the suitcase and put everything away the moment you get home.

  2. Clean the bedrooms. There is nothing better than coming home to a clean room and crawling into fresh sheets! It sets the tone for the next morning and allows you to focus on putting away only the items you took on your trip.

  3. Do the dishes and run the dishwasher. Items left in the sink can cause rust rings and water marks while a dishwasher that isn’t turned on can be pretty smelly when you return.

  4. Empty the garbages. Pretty obvious, BUT garbage left in the house won’t be a joyful surprise when you return.

  5. Tidy the house. Put things away in their right place, wipe down the countertops, clean up the clutter. When you walk through the doors you don’t want to feel that immediate stress of having to get things organized. It’s a great feeling to come home and sit down with the family and remise about all the memories you made.

  6. Clean out the refrigerator. While you're cleaning the kitchen, check the fridge. Freeze, eat or toss anything that will spoil while you're away. I think it’s a given that no one wants to come home to a smelly mess in the fridge!

Travel during the holidays can often be stressful. Coming home to a clean and organized house is the perfect way to take away some stress and allows you to quickly get back into daily routine. We hope you have a great time planning your holiday season and spending it with those you love.

Wait, one last tip. #yourewelcome

I know this is the last thing you want to do on vacation BUT look at your calendar a few days before you are to arrive home. It’s a great way to stay organized in your mind so you are not surprised by meetings or events that are going to sneak up on you. Being prepared always helps!

Wishing you all the Hope, Wonder, and Joy that the Season can bring. It truly is a magical time of year!


