I get it, being restricted to expressing our love shouldn't just be limited to one day of the year. I mean, after all, we should be expressing that love 365 days of the year! But, that doesn't mean we can't go that extra mile on Valentine's Day for our special someone.

Not everyone is the "get dressed up and spend a fortune on dinner and jewellery" type. Although, that comment may have just gotten me into trouble. Never the less, here are 5 'stay-at-home' Valentine's Day ideas that are designed to spend quality time together, in the comfort of your own home.

1. Make Dinner Together

Everyone loves a good meal. What's even better is when you're the one who has created the exquisite dish! Open up the cookbook, grab a bottle of wine, and chose a dish you two haven't tried before.  The churn of life can be hectic, why not take Valentine's Day as the perfect excuse to spend some time together in the kitchen!

2. Living Room Camp Out

If you have kids (or even if you don't) this one could be a ton of fun! Turn your living room into a campsite. Blow up an air mattress, eat a picnic dinner, roast marshmallows over your fireplace (a candle works too) and just enjoy lighthearted conversation as if you were out in the middle of the woods!

3. Games Night

Everyone loves a good board game. Grab a deck of cards, or blow the dust off Monopoly and settle in for a night of fun and laughs together.

4. 50 Questions

Conversation and communication is paramount in any relationship. Each of you write down 25 questions and take turns asking and answering. Don't get too serious, but use this time to learn more about your special guy or gal. Who knows, it could lead to booking your dream vacation together!

5. Movie Marathon

We all love movies. Is there a series you both haven't seen? Maybe you're excited to share your favourite trilogy with your lover? Grab your favourite snacks, a cozy blanket, light the fireplace, and settle in for a relaxing evening together.


